CivNet version 1.0.2 -- 3/14/96 ** This is a FULL patch, no other patches are needed. ** File List: civnet.exe, civeng0.dll, civeng1.dll, civger0.dll, civger1.dll, civfrn0.dll, civfrn1.dll, civspa0.dll civspa1.dll, civmaps.exe, smedsnet.dll, nwipxspx.dll, patch.txt ---------------------------- Changes and fixes in Patch 3 ---------------------------- - LANGUAGE SUPPORT CivNet now includes four different languages to choose from: English, French, Spanish, and German. Language selection may be performed within the game or in the CivNet.ini file (located in the Windows directory.) Modification of the INI file should be done in the [Language] section, under the "SayWhat" entry. A language prompt may also be displayed before gameplay by adding adding a new entry in the [Language] section called "AlwaysAsk=1". - MISCELLANEOUS BUG FIXES This patch fixes the "Cannot write to AUX" message that showed up intermittently in patch 2. Sorry about that! Many of the gameplayers reported bugs online and through technical support lines at MicroProse. These bugs have been squashed and the fixes are included. We always appreciate the customer feedback, and try to incorporate as many fixes as possible in each patch. If there is a bug or fatal error occurring in your copy of CivNet, please report it and we will correct the problem as soon as possible.